Update #11
Deo Gratias et Mariae!
10/31/20233 min read

Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria!
Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary pray for us!!!
Dear Faithful Friends,
Your support and prayers mean a lot to our mission here in Nigeria as we humbly work for the greater Glory and Love of God with our ultimate goal always being for the salvation and sanctification of souls!
We just launched our new website here, one can subscribe to the monthly newsletter and get updates on what goes on at the SSIH Mission. Please know that you are in our daily prayers and sacrifices.
Currently at the Mission:
By God's Divine Grace, our Seminary and Convent are increasing by the day with more young men and women showing interests in True Traditional Catholic Faith and Morals.
Our Seminarians are Thirty-two in number, and the nuns and consecrated sisters are now Twenty in number. We had five sisters take the habit and five sisters take their first vows on the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sept. 8th. DEO Gratias et Mariae! We also have a new community of ten brothers who are Benedictine Monks starting a new order committed to Tradition! There are also some Carmelite sisters hopefully joining us soon, they are leaving the Novus ordo to come to Tradition.
Our greatest challenge as of now is we are just lacking the funds to house these dear sisters and support them, but in Christ we trust unto His Divine Heart for help in these diabolical times. With the seminary we just went over the plan for our needs and sadly we only have enough funds to feed everyone just for 2 months. Some of the seminarians that are being housed in an apartment need to move soon, and we have been offered a generous piece of land with 24 rooms, but the price is one million N100,000,000 ($100,000 USD) which we are praying we can obtain for our needs. We have tried various ways to raise money on our own, raising chickens, trying to grow a crop...but it is so difficult with the Deep State ruining the lives of Nigerians, so that now more have to beg for food. We are not losing hope, but are offering all of our crosses for sanctification and salvation of souls. And we always have hope and trust in God. If it is His will it will work out some way or other.
Please know that we really are grateful to all those that have supported us in the past and we encourage you to share our website with your friends and family so as to help us go further at this mission. The priests at the mission have been using their Holy Mass stipends to provide for the seminarians and sisters in getting the basic help they need.
If you would like to request a Holy Mass from our mission or if you would like to send any prayer intentions for the sisters or seminarians to pray for please email me anytime.
May God bless each of you and through the Motherly intercession of Our Lady of the Rosary, may we all continue to grow in holiness to obtain the eternal reward in Heaven.
With a grateful heart, I give you my blessing through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary,
With joyful anticipation and total trust in the Victory of the Immaculata and Reign of the True King,
Fr. Abah Onuh Samuel-Maria.
Nigeria Otukpo Diocese and Rector S.S.I.H SEMINARY AND CONVENT.
Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria!
P.S. Three Seminarians have been adopted, 29 left to go, please consider here.
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