Update #13
Blessed & Fruitful Lent to All of you!
2/29/20243 min read

Dear Faithful Friends and Supporters,
On February 2nd the Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord also know as Candle Mass, we had the beautiful offering of seven young men as they took on the cassock to continue their training towards the True Sacerdotal Priesthood--to become another Christ for souls.
With these we are now having Thirty-Three young men aspiring towards the Priesthood to act in Persona Christi. Deo gratias et Mariae! Thanks be to God and Mary!
As the Good Lord willed have it, our LifeSiteNews interview really went wide special thanks to John Henry-Westen, as one of the viewers decided to visit our response to the crisis and was overwhelmed with the crowd and effort we are putting forward to a True Restoration of our One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Faith and Morals.
His name is Fr. João Silvera from Portugal, our Lady of Fatima's country, and he was happy he made the visits as he had conducted Baptisms [18 in all!] and said Holy Masses not in magnificent Cathedrals and Churches, as we have them in Europe and America, but in grass roofed Churches like tents.
He also met with large crowds who are ready to give up their lives for Christ Jesus truly present Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist and prefer to stay out of the main stream Church until they can have a Traditional Catholic Priest give Holy Communion on their tongue as was the practice before the Novus Ordo Hoax and the current apostasy as prophesied by Our Lady of Good Success, La Salette, Fatima etc.
Fr. João celebrates the Traditional Catholic Mass exclusively and encouraged us to keep the Faith and Morals irrespective of the dire needs and hardships we are facing in terms of Traditional Religious Materials and Infrastructures as he traveled through the vast coverage of the apostolate we are engaged with. We asked him to send us a Priest or Priests for the Holy Week ceremonies as our thatched roof Chapels are far apart.
The Sisters are currently experiencing a surge of vocations as many young ladies have shown interest in joining the ASPIRANCY programme of the SSIH. And one of them after facing persecutions from her parents and friends had to escape to come join the sisters. Pray for her and the six others who will be joining them in March 2024 A.D.
The sisters also went on a trip to the Bank of River Benue and became "Fisherwomen" lots of souls needing the Catechism and Sacraments. Lord please send Labourers to your vineyard please please please!
We also received ten Holy Bibles sent to us from the donors that sponsored those, THANK YOU!
Below you can see the images.
Thank God for the Lenten Season and please know that each of you will never be left out as we always look forward to this great period of Graces as we closely take up our crosses [they are very many from establishing a standard Traditional Seminary with Structures and Study Materials and Convents structuring with equipping the Chapels...can someone kindly transport those beautiful churches in Europe to us if only that could happen....] and follow Him. Be rest assured that we are carrying yours too and wish and pray to carry more as we fulfil our goal bringing all souls to Heaven and emptying Purgatory with our Prayers, Mortifications and Almsgiving towards the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart and the Reign of the Sacred Heart of Love.
We love you all and truly appreciate all your support you gave us, including the past Christmas Novena of Prayers and Holy Masses. Let's do it again this Lenten Season even as we support the project of the Spiritual and Novitiate Houses currently being built in Gbem-Vendeikya of Benue State. Please feel free to contact me here: https://ssihmission.org/contact to send in your prayer requests so that the SSIH Sisters may add you and your intentions to their prayers and penances.
You remain in my prayers and Holy Masses. We love you all with God's Love and we are proud of you all and hold you in the highest esteem. Remember Let nothing trouble you for God alone in enough! Do have a blissful Lenten Observance as you grow closer to His Divine Heart. God Love you!
Viva Christo Rey et Viva Immaculata Maria,
Fr. Abah Samuel Maria