Update #18: SSIH Carmelites

Deo gratias et Mariae! The Carmelite Sisters of the SSIH are Growing!

10/12/20242 min read

On the 15th of September, 2024 Anno Domini, Feast of our Lady of Sorrows, two Carmelite postulants of the Holy Cross and the pierced Hearts of Jesus and Mary Monastery received the habit, (See more picture below). The novitiate marks the beginning of the Religious life, properly speaking, it allows the sister to enter the Carmelite experience of a life lived in the desert in a small community of sisters. In this way, the authenticity of the vocation of the novice is tested in daily life over a prolonged period and her capacity to commit herself by the profession of the Evangelical counsels to the consecration of her entire being to Almighty God.

This is the time to lay deep foundations by the living in experience and spiritual teachings the Carmelite life .It is also the time to weave existential bond between the life of deep prayer and the imitation of the saints of Carmel, so that each on their own way become for her, models and companions along her journey to Heaven by prayer and self knowledge.

Our vocation is love in the heart of the Church, our Mother, thus many prayers and reparations is the work destined to save our modern world society and at this time of great crisis it is needed more than ever. With our love for the Holy Cross, we shall help lead many souls to imitate Him who by His death appeased God's justice and manifested His love for all men. We are also the prayer-house for the apostolic work of our active SSIH sisters. Just as Carmelite St. Theresa the Little Flower was the patron saint of the Missions, it was because of her prayers that many missions were successful.

Thus, by offering our lives entirely in solitude we give the fullest expression of our love and desire unto martyrdom, to offer ourselves as victims in order to hasten the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, to obtain the salvation of souls and secure the end of the godless reign of the Anti-Christ.

For the love of God we are appealing for support, we need a more permanent place because where we are living currently is a rented apartment. God willing we would like to move to another place to avoid distraction as cloistered nuns. We need a secured environment and a large space to carryout sustainable ventures like poultry, farming and having a work house to bake altar bread and a sewing room to make altar lines and clerical vestments. We are also in need of more Traditional Carmelite Breviaries.

We greatly appreciate any and all help, especially your prayers as we continue to persevere in God's Holy Will and work for the salvation of souls! For all our benefactors and benefactresses, we never relented praying for you and your families. Thank you and may the Grace and Love of Our Lord be with you!


Carmelite Sisters of the SSIH Mission

P.S. Please support us at this link here or here. God bless you!