Update #20: Seminarians Working Hard
Deo gratias et Mariae! The Sons of the SSIH, after much hard work over the break are now back at their studies.
12/2/20241 min read

+Blessed Be God!+
Dear Faithful Friends,
During the Summer break, the Seminarians were working hard in building altars, bridges, Chapel huts for our village Faithful, and more work on our seminary building! Thanks be to God for all their hard work!
It was you that helped them accomplished all this in getting them the supplies they needed to do the work! THANK YOU!
In case you missed this video, see here the Seminary building progress click here.
In October we did a major Rosary procession throughout the town, watch here below:
The sons were also able to harvest rice this season and it was a great harvest, thanks be to God! It will hopefully feed us till February. See more in the pictures below.
As they now return to their priestly studies please keep them in your prayers!
With my blessing in the Immaculate Heart of Mary and Christ the King
Fr. Abah Samuel Maria
SSIH Mission