Building for the Love of God & Souls!
7/25/20243 min read

My Dear Beloved Friends,
On the very great Feast Day of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel we recalled the great victory of Elijah against the worshippers of the false gods as Psalm 95:5 states clearly, the gods of the gentiles are demons we join the many of you trying every effort to see that Christ the King Reigns for He has already won the battle and ours is to fall in line in just "doing whatever He tells us" -as Our Lady said in her last recorded words in the Scriptures. May the Pure Love of God reign and grow in our hearts now and forever!
We through YOUR sacrificial support have braced up to action to see that the True Mass is restored in every Village and Towns in Africa and we leave no stone unturned! We have kicked started the building and furnishings of a twelve [12] room building as you can see from the pictures and videos and we intend to finish it by the end of August so that the Seminarians can move in by September and continue their intensive training as crusaders towards the restoration, triumph and reign of the two greatest Hearts of Love.
Watch a video our US Coordinator Alexandra put together of the progress on the Seminary building that we hope to move into before winter, God willing! Watch here: https://youtu.be/pUawcl6vrEM
With your continued help we promise to deliver and in the near future supply HOLY AND SAINTLY PRIESTS IN HOLY TRADITION TO YOU OUR MAJOR SUPPORTERS IN EUROPE AND THE AMERICANS. Kindly do not relent in this great work that you have been called to carry out for Our Lord and His Lovely Blessed Mother who rightly sacrificed all for us. Join us in what we are doing here and let us have a befitting area for studies for our teeming youth in both the Seminary and the Convent respectively.
The inflation continues and every price of items both for building and food are skyrocketing and that is why we need to finish this project in record time so as to stop renting and continue building this living space in our property. The 12 Room Hostel would be housing about forty seminarians but we are prepared to make do as we continue to build for the restoration. Remember God is preparing His Army for the take Over and victory is assured and certain. Always be assured of our Daily Breviaries and Holy Tridentine Mass celebrations for your souls. We truly need urgent support to complete the project.
As the Sisters and Sons of the Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Jesus and Mary joyfully prepare for the great solemnity of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on August 22nd, we will be doing a Novena of Traditional Latin Masses that you can send in names of holy souls or specific prayer requests to be added. Please go here to join this Holy Mass Novena to the Immaculata: https://www.givesendgo.com/MerryChristMASS
"Offering the spotless Lamb to Your Majesty, O Lord, we pray that our hearts may be set aflame by the fire that burned so wondrously in the Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Through the same Jesus Christ, thy Son, Our Lord, Who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. " (from the Roman Missal, Aug.22)
The sisters express their joy and gratitude to you and your esteemed friends for putting smiles on their faces and are committed to ensuring the restoration takes place soonest as they are ready to offer their lives for the course. Thank you so so much and may all your reward be great in Heaven beyond your widest imagination.
Viva Christo Rey! Viva Immaculata Maria!
Fr. Abah Samuel-Maria , Rector of SSIH Mission
P.S. I can receive any Holy Mass requests to be offered for your intentions and can even schedule a Traditional 30-day Gregorian Mass for a deceased Catholic soul. For this request, please contact us here: https://ssihmission.org/contact
P.P.S.Please consider even just a $20 donation to support us here: https://ssihmission.org/support-us