Update#19 SSIH Sisters

Veni Domini Jesus! SSIH Sisters Collecting Your Petitions for Christmas Novena

11/30/20242 min read

Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary:

We wish to appreciate all our benefactors and benefactresses for helping us to carry out this mission for the salvation of souls, our earnest Prayer is for the good Lord to continue to bless you all in your good works Amen , and may our Blessed Virgin Mary intercede for us all Amen.

As we approach to start the Novena for Christmas, we await your intentions and request that you send them in ASAP so that we can put them down in our intention booklet, and pray for them. Send them in by clicking here for the contact page, or you can send an email to info@SSIHMission.org.

We are now entering into the dry season and as we continue this mission, we need help to assist the sisters, to fix a running water system. The water is scarce now, and we currently have to go for a distance to fetch the water, yet, with each step we take, we offer it for the souls who God sends to us to pray for or do penance for. See some images below. We are also working on completing the novitiate house.

Your help will be of great value and we pray God reward you greatly in your generosity to us! What you have helped us accomplish thus far is tremendous, thank you dearly! Remember you helped us replace our roof and be able to get some mattresses for the sisters. See below some of the scapulars and Holy Rosaries we are now making for the Mission in the pictures below. You can also see the recent purchase of the big bags of rice and beans for the sisters. The sewing machine you helped us get is also being put to so much use and we are now working on sewing some priest vestments, getting ready for when the Sons of the SSIH Mission are ready to be ordained to the priesthood. Deo gratias et Mariae!

Viva Christo Rey et Immaculata Maria!

Veni Domini Jesu!

SSIH Sisters

(There are fourteen of us now! Deo gratias et Mariae!)